Thursday, 1 April 2010

Sleep in Mangoes

Just had this image in my head. I think mangoes might not actually be so comfortable, but she liked them so much in Nana's drawing...


nana said...

Haha Manchan has been born! XD

Wow I love what you've done here! I'm racking my brain to find something to crit on, but there's no point in nitpicking when the overall image works so well. Let me talk about why I think this works instead.
The sleeping girl and the slightly surreal mango landscape gels like peanut butter and jam. The busy bottom half contrasts nicely with the empty top. So simple yet so effective!

I've been wanting to ask you, do you normally pencil digitally? These lines look so clean!

aqws said...

I think you have a little problem with wrists. I'm noticing because i'm trying to remedy my own wrist-failings at the moment. I totally have this theory that it's because we all learned to draw "hands" and not how they connect to anything.

Otherwise awesome! I love the subtlety of the crinkling hand to her chest. Looks like a slightly fretful sleep, but then she is on a bed of mangoes...

Anonymous said...

She looks like she's dreaming of something, like being in a big hopper full of mangoes moving slowly towards the jam-ifyer...

great expression :D

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